jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

James Somerton's "Seven Days to the Weekend"

James Somerton as usual brings a polemic story involving themes people would rather not talk about, and as usual he creates an exciting story with what he has and talks about drug addiction, social services and parental irresponsibility.
"Seven Days to the Weekend" directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring Julia Roberts and Cher, tells the story of two irresponsible but loving parents forced to enter rehab after social services threatens to take their kids away, however the story concentrates more on the the things that happens after and if they're really ready to commit to their children and offer them what they need.

James Somerton's latest effort is an uneven bait that fails as much as it succeds, the story is magnificent and the way it's told is very well structured at the beginning but it gradually becomes a little messy and includes certain unnecesary details. Even though the story leaves you with something to think about and it has a real message, its flaws are too big and in key points, for example to of the most vital decisions in my opinion are off-track, Julia Roberts doesn't works for the role and Soderbergh style makes me picture a less intimate experience than I would've liked to, the plot loses itself halfway through the bait and struggles to find its way to the end.

Nevertheless I want to also congratulate on taking this subject and crafting a story like this around it, specially since it's very close to you, you like to take risks and you're an inspiration for most writers and the contest is what it is thanks to writers like you. Also a special mention for baiting Cher in what is one of the best baited characters in the month and one of the best perfromances, she nails the part and is wondeful in that role.

An uneven bait, but with great qualities that can't be overlooked and it will definitely have people talking during this excellent month. B

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

Discovering March...

Pretty soon I will be celebrating my first anniversary in the contest and I'm planning to start my trilogy so I'm very excited about it, but let's talk about this month's competition.

After checking out the forums I'm happy to see new authors discovering this magnificent contest and I'm excited to see the return of some of the veterans. From what I've seen so far this contest is becoming more and more exciting each month with amazingly original stories and I think we're creating our own type of baityness where everything goes and there's no boundaries, last month's Cobra proved that and I'm excited to see how people are opening up to explore new subjects and more excting and unconventional stories.

With that being said, even if this is not the best month ever is great to see how people are experimenting with ideas and how this contest is increasingly becoming more like the real world, so let's keep the good work going guys and I'm expecting what everyone has to offer.

Well for the first time I will be releasing three baits this month, they're kind of dark and violent but I'm very excited to see people's reactions, so here are the basic storylines let me know what you think:

Mario Puzo's: The Family - Probably everyone is tired of hearing me talk about this bait but it has been an incredible challenge to adapt this and I'm finally happy with what I got and well I guess everyone already knows what's it about.

Untitled Musical - This a very risky bait, my musical will be very unusual since it tackles a very controversial topic in a very unorthodox way; a college shooting. I've spend a lot of time putting everything together to do it in a very respectful manner and it's about a guy who was manipulated by his roommate into his lifestyle that slowly become a different person filled with hatred and remorse. It will include several flasbacks since it happens during the hostage situation. The cast so far includes Kirsten Dunst, Jim Broadbent, T.V. Carpio, Lucas Grabeel and Ellen Page. It will be directed by Sam Mendes. The title roles are yet to be casted.

October 2nd - A very important bait for me, it deals with the 68 massacre in Mexico 10 days before the Olympics. It's about a young british guy played by James McAvoy who's invited by his cousin played by Eddie Redmayne to attend the Olympics and later finds how he's involved with the student's movemente and he eventually gets involved too until the massacre. Besides them the cast will be completeley mexican and it will be directed by Alfonso Cuaron.

So let me know what you think and I can't wait for March's competition.

Douglas' "Only the Weak Survive"...

After enjoying great success with his latest bait "Realm of the Bird", Douglas takes us through another journey showing us that he can tell a story and create vivid characters and a tenseful plot filled with suprises and twists, with his latest bait he really shows the range he has as an author.

"Only the Weak Survive" tells the story of how life can change drastically with every decision we make and how one moment can turn everything around in an instant. Casey Affleck stars as Kyle Morton an actor who must fight for what he loves and for recovering what he lost on dreadful night.

Overall the bait's strongest asset is the presence of recently acclaimed actor Casey Affleck, (that keeps appearing month after month) but the story eventually stumbles with some predictable scenarios and prefers to offer the synopsis in a more elaborated manner which evetually puts the story on a second plain and seduces the reader in believing there's more to it than what it really offers, he prefers style over substance creating the perfect mood but lacking in the story development.

The story doesn't offer an original premise and after two or more readings it becames dull and a little pretentious; however I don't believe this are Douglas' intentions. He creates a nicely crafted effort that will probably not be as succesful as "Realm of the Bird", but it shows a talented author becoming more comfortable with his own writing, finally finding his style and proving he has an amazing range. A diamond in the rough that could've been better with a little more effort, however it becomes a memorable bait with great potential for its leading man and maybe some creativity awards but not much else.

You've proved yourself again as an author worthy of creating exciting stories and actually making your audience think instead of handing them everything on a silver platter, but you fall short with your new bait. B-


Hey everyone, I finally decided to create a blog of my own. After months of thinking about it here it is, so I hope everyone comes to visit and enjoys what I have to say.
For my blog I plan to include early reviews for all the baiters that wish to have one published, I will also add movie reviews and general comments about the contest. I plan to pretty much cover everything I can and if Chris doesn't mind I would also like to add interviews and I would like to profile authors and let everyone inside my mind for everything about baiting.
Thanks for your attention and I hope you enjoy visitng my blog.