jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008

James Somerton's "Seven Days to the Weekend"

James Somerton as usual brings a polemic story involving themes people would rather not talk about, and as usual he creates an exciting story with what he has and talks about drug addiction, social services and parental irresponsibility.
"Seven Days to the Weekend" directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring Julia Roberts and Cher, tells the story of two irresponsible but loving parents forced to enter rehab after social services threatens to take their kids away, however the story concentrates more on the the things that happens after and if they're really ready to commit to their children and offer them what they need.

James Somerton's latest effort is an uneven bait that fails as much as it succeds, the story is magnificent and the way it's told is very well structured at the beginning but it gradually becomes a little messy and includes certain unnecesary details. Even though the story leaves you with something to think about and it has a real message, its flaws are too big and in key points, for example to of the most vital decisions in my opinion are off-track, Julia Roberts doesn't works for the role and Soderbergh style makes me picture a less intimate experience than I would've liked to, the plot loses itself halfway through the bait and struggles to find its way to the end.

Nevertheless I want to also congratulate on taking this subject and crafting a story like this around it, specially since it's very close to you, you like to take risks and you're an inspiration for most writers and the contest is what it is thanks to writers like you. Also a special mention for baiting Cher in what is one of the best baited characters in the month and one of the best perfromances, she nails the part and is wondeful in that role.

An uneven bait, but with great qualities that can't be overlooked and it will definitely have people talking during this excellent month. B

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